Terms & Conditions

  1. Acceptance of Terms & Conditions – Warranty of Capacity to Contract Use of this website is entirely at your own risk.

This website (www.csquared.com) is made available to you by CSquared Group (“CSquared”) conditional upon your acceptance, without modification, of these Terms and Conditions as amended from time to time. The Terms and Conditions set out below apply to every person who uses, accesses, refers to, or views this website (“you” or “your”). Your access to and use of this website constitutes your agreement to and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

You hereby warrant to CSquared that you have the required legal capacity to enter into and be bound by a contract. Minors must be assisted by their legal guardians when reading these Terms and Conditions. If you are unsure whether you have the legal capacity to enter into contracts, please ask someone to assist you with this information before continuing to use this website. If you do not agree with any provision contained in these Terms and Conditions, please stop using or accessing this website immediately.

  1. Modification of Terms & Conditions

CSquared reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to amend (including without limitation, by the addition of new Terms and Conditions) these Terms and Conditions at any time and from time to time without notice to you. Any such amendments shall come into effect immediately and automatically. You undertake to review these Terms and Conditions regularly prior to use of this website for any such amendments.

  1. Definitions

3.1. The following terms shall have the corresponding meanings assigned to them:
3.1.1. “Intellectual Property” means, collectively, the patents, copyrights (and moral rights), Trade Marks, designs, models, brands, names, trade names, graphics, icons, hyperlinks, Know-How, trade secrets, and any other type of intellectual property (whether registered or unregistered including applications for and rights to obtain or use same) which are owned by, licensed to, used and/or held (whether or not currently) by CSquared on or in connection with this website.
3.1.2. “Know-How” means all the ideas, designs, documents, diagrams, information, devices, technical and scientific data, secret and other processes and methods used by CSquared in connection with this website, as well as all available information regarding marketing and promotion of the products and services described in this website, as well as all and any modifications or improvements to any of them.
3.1.3. “Terms and Conditions” means these Terms and Conditions.
3.1.4. “Trademarks” means those trademarks owned by CSquared and any other trademarks, designs, logos, style names, and slogans that CSquared owns or has the right to use or any derivative service offerings of, and applications for, any of the same.
3.1.5. “Website Material” means the contents of this website, including without limitation, all and any information, data, documents, Intellectual Property, material, products (including software) or services contained in, accessed through, or downloaded or obtained from this website.

  1. Interpretation

4.1. Unless the context requires otherwise or it is expressly stated to the contrary, any words and phrases:
4.1.1. defined in these Terms and Conditions will bear the same meaning throughout these Terms and Conditions.
4.3. The headings used in these Terms and Conditions are for the purpose of convenience and reference only and shall not be used in the interpretation of nor modify nor amplify the whole or any part of these Terms and Conditions.
4.4. No term or provision contained in these Terms and Conditions is to be interpreted or construed so as to exclude any rights granted by the Electronic Transactions Act 2000 of Mauritius to any natural person who enters or intends entering into an electronic transaction with CSquared on this website.
4.5. References to “writing” or notices “in writing” by CSquared in these Terms and Conditions only include writing on paper signed in ink by an authorized representative of CSquared and specifically exclude any writing which may be in electronic form.
4.6. Any reference in these Terms and Conditions to a party shall, if such party is liquidated or sequestrated, be applicable also to and binding upon that party’s liquidator or trustee, as the case may be.

  1. Website Material – Scope of Permitted Use

5.1. Subject to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, you may only download, view, and print the Website Material restrictively for your own personal use and only for non-commercial purposes. This permission does not extend to the source code of this website or to the source code of any software or computer program that forms part of the Website Material.

5.2. You may not alter, modify, decompile, reverse-engineer, copy, reproduce, distribute, transfer, sell, transmit, display, broadcast, publish, exploit, licence, or create derivative works from the Website Material.

5.3. You may not use this website or the Website Material for any illegal or unlawful purposes or as prohibited by these Terms and Conditions.

5.4. You may not link to any page on this website or frame this website or any of the pages on this website in any way whatsoever without the prior written permission of CSquared. Recognizing the global nature of the Internet, you agree to comply with all local laws, rules, and regulations regarding online conduct.

5.5. This website is Copyright © 2024 CSquared. All rights reserved. You must get CSquared’s prior written approval if you wish to copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, display, broadcast, or publish any Website Material, whether electronically or otherwise. Unless the relevant additional Terms and Conditions provide otherwise, requests for approval must be submitted to info@csquared.com. CSquared is entitled, in its sole discretion, to withhold or grant consent and may also impose any conditions on any consent which is granted.

5.6. To the extent that any copying, reproduction, distribution, transmission, display, broadcasting or publishing of any Website Material may be expressly permitted by CSquared (such permission to be interpreted in its most restrictive sense) you may do so, provided that all Trade Marks, trade names and all copyright, ownership, proprietary, and confidentiality notices as are included on the original are retained and displayed without alteration or modification and not in any manner obscured or removed.

5.7. You may not print any part of the website or the Website Material, except where CSquared expressly states that you may do so. When printing the website or the Website Material, you must ensure that the following copyright notice appears prominently on every page that is printed: Copyright © 2024 CSquared. All rights reserved.

5.8. You acknowledge that you do not acquire any ownership rights or rights of use in or to any Website Material by downloading that Website Material or by copying, reproducing, distributing, transmitting, displaying, broadcasting, or publishing that Website Material where permitted to do so.

5.9. You may not transfer any rights or obligations in terms of these Terms and Conditions to any other person or entity.

5.10. You are solely responsible for obtaining and maintaining all facilities, services, products, and equipment which may be required by you for the exercise of your rights of permitted use of this website.


  1. Your Behavior When Using This Website

6.1. You may not use this website to obtain or distribute:

6.1.1. copyrighted material or material protected by laws relating to intellectual property rights without the permission of CSquared;

6.1.2. material containing viruses or any other destructive materials or data or code which is able to corrupt, interfere with, jeopardize, disrupt, disable, harm or otherwise impede in any manner the operation of a computer system or hardware or software;

6.1.3. material which is defamatory, unlawful, or contains hate speech; or

6.1.4. bulk e-mail, whether solicited or unsolicited.

6.2. You must not interfere with or jeopardize the functionality or the operation of any part of this website or attempt to interfere with or jeopardize, disrupt, disable, harm, or otherwise impede in any manner the functionality or operation of any part of this website or of the Website Material.

6.3. You are strictly prohibited from using this website for “spoofing”, “hacking”, “flaming”, “cracking”, “phishing” or “spamming”.

6.4. You may not intercept any information transmitted to or from CSquared or this website which is not intended by CSquared to be received by you.

6.5. You must respect other users of this website at all times.

6.6. Any reference in these Terms and Conditions to a party shall, if such party is liquidated or sequestrated, be applicable also to and binding upon that party’s liquidator or trustee, as the case may be.


  1. Intellectual Property

7.1. This website is Copyright © 2024 CSquared. All rights reserved. 

7.2. The Intellectual Property is owned by CSquared or used under licence or with permission. Trademarks displayed on this website are either trademarks owned by CSquared or belong to their respective owners. You may not copy, reproduce, display or use any Intellectual Property in any manner whatsoever without CSquared’s prior written permission and nothing contained on this website should be construed as granting any licence or right of use of any Intellectual Property. 

7.3. Where any of the Website Material has been licensed to CSquared or belongs to any third party, your rights of use will also be subject to any Terms and Conditions which that licensor or third party imposes from time to time and you agree to comply with such Terms and Conditions.


  1. Security and Privacy

8.1. CSquared shall take all reasonable steps to secure the content of this website and the information provided by and collected from users from unauthorized access and/or disclosure. However, CSquared does not make any warranties or representations that content shall be 100% safe or secure. 

8.2. CSquared is committed to protecting your privacy. CSquared will only use information collected lawfully in accordance with the Mauritius Data Protection Act, 2017. 

8.3. CSquared uses information collected from you to deliver the services you request and to inform you of any changes to the services. 

8.4. CSquared may disclose your personal information to its employees and agents to the extent necessary to provide you with the services you have requested. 8.5. CSquared will not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to third parties. 

8.6. CSquared may be required to disclose personal information by law or if CSquared believes that such action is necessary to (a) comply with a legal process served on CSquared; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of CSquared; (c) act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of CSquared services or members of the public. 

8.7. CSquared will not use your personal information for any marketing purposes unless you have agreed to receive such marketing information. 

8.8. CSquared may use "cookies" to keep track of your visit to the website and to enhance your browsing experience. Cookies are small data files that are stored on your computer's hard drive and which may be accessed by CSquared when you visit the website in future. You can configure your web browser not to accept cookies, although this may hinder the functionality of the website. 

8.9. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by CSquared in the manner and for the purposes set out above.


  1. Hyperlinks and Advertising

9.1. This website may contain hyperlinks to websites owned and operated by third parties. CSquared is not responsible for the content of such websites, and your access to and use of such websites is entirely at your own risk. 

9.2. CSquared may display third-party advertisements on the website. Display of such advertisements does not constitute endorsement by CSquared of any products or services advertised. CSquared shall not be responsible for any interactions between you and the advertisers or the content of any advertisements displayed on the website.


  1. Liability

10.1. To the fullest extent permitted by law, CSquared, its directors, employees, suppliers, or any third parties mentioned on the website shall not be liable for any damages of any kind whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use of this website or any other website linked to this website. 

10.2. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect, or consequential damages, loss of data, income, or profit, loss of or damage to property, and claims of third parties. 

10.3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in these Terms and Conditions is intended to exclude or limit any liability that may not by law be excluded or limited, and in particular, none of the exclusions and limitations in this clause are intended to limit any rights you may have as a consumer under Mauritian law.


  1. Breach

11.1. If you breach any of these Terms and Conditions, CSquared shall be entitled, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies that it may have, to terminate your access to the website without prior notice.


  1. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

12.1. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Mauritius. 

12.2. You agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Mauritius with respect to any dispute, disagreement, or claim relating to these Terms and Conditions or your use of the website.


  1. Entire Agreement

13.1. These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between CSquared and you with respect to your use of the website and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings and agreements, whether written or oral, with respect to the subject matter hereof.


  1. Contact Details

14.1. If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, please contact CSquared at legal-notices@csquared.com.

By using this website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.